广州市番禺区凌祥钛金属制品厂地处珠江三角洲中心城市的广州市番禺区市桥二中路段,临近穗、港、澳。距深圳、中国香港、珠海一个多小时,距广州机场一个小时,交通便利,通讯快捷。 广州凌祥是一家从事钛制品及非标电镀用品、耗材及钛材深加工的专业厂商。本公司集电镀设备工程设计、总体设备制造、电镀耗材、技术咨询为一体开展*服务。本公司持着稳健,求实,进取的方针发展。 机械生产设备已达到半自动化,拥有多台点焊机,冲网机,打网机,数控剪板机,数控折弯机,冲床,氩弧焊机,数控车床,铣床,线切割等生产设备, 我公司拥有一批经验丰富的工程师,熟手技工及严格的出厂指标能为广大客户满足其不同的需求,务求为客户提供称心满意的服务。一直以质量见称的凌祥,不断地需求自我突破,加工技术的突破,为客户提供**的产品,是凌祥公司一直追求的目标。凭着各界商家的支持和信赖,我司产品在国内国外已占有电镀行业的一席位, 我公司以技术为核导,以客户为中心,以质量为生命,以生产为基础是我公司服务的宗旨。我公司经营理念:科技为本 真诚合作 质量** 诚信* 。我公司经营方针:同样的产品,我们比质量,同样的质量,我们比价格,同样的价格,我们比服务, 是凌祥实业不仅为所有客户、公司以及所有对我们公司感兴趣的合作者提供优良产品,更注重为众多用户提供出色的技术服务。我公司服务与销售永远**。。。Lingxiang, Panyu District, Guangzhou, is located in the second section of the city bridge of Panyu District, Guangzhou, in the central city of the Pearl River Delta, near Sui, Hong Kong and Macao. More than one hour from Shenzhen, Hong Kong and zhuhai, one hour from Guangzhou airport, convenient transportation and fast communication. Guangzhou Lingxiang is a professional manufacturer engaged in titanium products and non-standard electroplating products, consumables and titanium deep processing. The company integrates electroplating equipment engineering design, general equipment manufacturing, electroplating consumables, technical consultation for a comprehensive service. The company holds steady, realistic, enterprising policy development. Machinery production equipment has achieved semi-automation, has a number of spot welding machines, netting machines, netting machines, CNC shears, CNC bending machines, punch machines, argon arc welding machines, CNC lathes, milling machines, wire cutting and other production equipment, Our company has a group of experienced engineers, skilled technicians and strict factory specifications for the majority of customers to meet their different needs, in order to provide customers with satisfactory services. Lingxiang, who has always been known for his quality, has constantly demanded self-breakthrough, a breakthrough in processing technology, and a perfect product for customers. It is the goal that Lingxiang has been pursuing. With the support and trust of businesses from all walks of life, our products have occupied a seat in the electroplating industry at home and abroad. Our company takes technology as the nuclear guide, customers as the center, quality as the life, and production as the basis of our company's service. Our company management philosophy: technology is based on sincere cooperation quality first good faith permanent. Our business policy: the same product, our ratio quality, the same quality, our ratio price, the same price, our ratio service, is that Lingxiang not only provides excellent products for all customers, companies, and all collaborators interested in our company, but also provides good products. Pay more attention to provide excellent technical services for many users. Our company serves and sells together forever. And ... And ...
企业经济性质: 私营企业
法人代表或负责人: 张凌波
企业类型: 生产加工
公司注册地: 广东省广州市番禺区东环街蔡边一村环村路19号
注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下
成立时间: 2012
员工人数: 5 人以下
月产量: 1000000
年营业额: 人民币 100 万元以下
年出口额: 人民币 100 万元以下
主要经营地点: 广州市番禺区市桥蔡边一村环村路19号
主要客户: 电镀,氧化,养殖,化工,医药,轮船
厂房面积: 10000
是否提供OEM代加工: 否
开户银行: 中国民生银行广州番禺支行
银行帐号: 0314012830005129
主要市场: 广东省,天津,湖南,福建,山东,四川,大连,辽宁
主营产品或服务: 广州钛蓝加工,钛桶定制,钛盘管换热器加工,TA2钛槽定制,钛加热管定制,钛挂具厂家,钛盘碟批发,钛针碟加工,钛螺丝批发,不绣钢盘管加工,不绣钢槽定制,钛锡炉定制,